#an under-appreciated color when you think about it

Transneutral flag! I don’t know who the creator of this flag is, so if you do please let me know. Th

Transneutral flag! I don’t know who the creator of this flag is, so if you do please let me know. This seemed to be the most commonly used transneutral flag I could fine. 

All photography is my own, please credit if you re-use.

[Image description: a 3 by 3 moodboard of images themed around a brown flag. The top row features two photos of brown leaves lit by sunlight and one close up photo of warm woodgrain. 

The second row has a photo of clear water lit by sun, the yellows and brown of the sand tinting it light yellow, on the left and a photo of light yellow ginko leaves fallen to the ground on the right. The middle is the flag itself, a five stripe flag with light brown outer stripes, darker brown inner stripes, and a very soft pastel brown-white middle stripe. The shades of brown are warm. 

The bottom row is, from left to right, a sunset lighting the whole sky a gradient of warm yellow-orange-brown, dried brown fall leaves on the ground lit by sunlight, and a warm brown-yellow brick wall with different colors of bricks and a pattern centered around a small blue lantern. End description. ]

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